2nd Primary School of Giannitsa, GREECE....our contribution so far Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar Şubat 12, 2022 Our Project logosOur Project Trailer1.SKY EXPLORERS1.1.Solar System 3D1.1.1.Solar System Activity games1.2.Rocket Design2.1.CodeWeek 2021(Coding Events)3.1.Outside School Activities4.2.We Code Our Project Name4.3.STEAM Advent Calendar4.4.New Year Greeting CardSafer Internet Day (8 February 2022)Student Webinars Bağlantıyı al Facebook X Pinterest E-posta Diğer Uygulamalar Yorumlar
Esmanur TÖGEL ÇİL/Çağatay Uluçay İO-Rocket Desing Exploring Section Kasım 17, 2021 Exploring : The videos about the rocket were watched. How does a rocket fly? How is a rocket made? as. Devamı
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